Good evening Eagles,
This is Principal Quigg, and I wanted to begin by thanking you for your ongoing support as we had a wonderful first day of school. A few reminders as we move forward:
- Students are expected to bring home their computers every night, charge them and come to school with them the following day.
- Hats, hoods, full face masks, and book bags should not be worn during the school day. Students are permitted to carry a small computer bag or string bag for their device.
- Students should have brought home several important documents today that we need returned to the school. Specifically, the forms for discretionary medication and the free and reduced meal applications.
Two additional reminders:
Tomorrow night is our Back to School Night. It will run from 5:00-7:00 p.m. and be an open house style format, allowing you to move through your student’s schedule at your own pace. We will have structured grade level meetings in the auditorium with both our administrators and school counselors present at each meeting. The meetings are intended to provide an overview of the significant events and mile markers that you and your student can expect at each grade level. The meeting times are as follows:
- 5:15 Freshman
- 5:40 Sophomores
- 6:05 Juniors
- 6:30 Seniors
Lastly, please mark your calendar for our underclassman pictures which will take place September 18th and 19th during the school day. More information surrounding our pictures will be forthcoming.
Once again, thank you for your continued support! We look forward to seeing you at our open house and look forward to working together throughout the year.
Have a wonderful evening,