The PTSA is seeking volunteers. As "many hands make for light work" the PTSA is hoping for as many hands as we can get to provide our students and teachers with a memorable year. Below is a list of committees we would like to put together this year, but we cannot do it without your help! If you are interested in any of the following areas, please reach to [email protected]
Committee Chairs or Volunteers
Senior Activities Planning Committee – This committee oversees putting together senior activities like Senior breakfast, Baccalaureate Program, After Prom…etc.
Reflections Planning Committee – This committee will oversee the PTA-sponsored program that showcases our student's talents in the areas of Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, and Visual Arts. For more information on this program please <span calibri?,="" sans-serif;="" color:="" #0563c1?="">click here.
Sponsorships Committee – This committee reaches out to businesses soliciting donations and sponsorships.
Hospitality Committee – This committee helps with setting up food events for the students and teachers, as well as creating sign-up genius for donations.
Concession Committee – This committee will be responsible for assisting with concessions throughout the year.