Good evening AHS Community,
This is Principal Quigg reaching out with some very important information. First and foremost, welcome back! We are so excited to have our students return on September 6th! We have worked diligently to make this a smooth opening and we know this will be an amazing year!
I wanted to take a moment to share a few very important dates and activities that we have planned to start the school year off:
Student Schedules:
Student’s schedules will be posted on HAC August 26th after 5:00 p.m. If changes to your schedule are required, please contact the school counseling office at 410-273-5585. Counselors will be available to meet in-person with students on Tuesday, August 30th from 8:30AM-12:00PM as well.
Freshman Orientation:
Our Freshman Orientation (for Freshman and any students new to AHS) is Tuesday August 23rd from 9:00-1:00 here at the school. Students will have the opportunity tour the building, learn about our A/B schedule, and meet some of our staff members. (Pre-purchased physical education uniforms can be picked at this time. The cost is $26.00 for both shorts and a tee-shirt.)
Open House:
Our Open House is Friday September 2, 2022 from 9:00 a.m. through 12:00 noon. Please access your schedules prior to coming to open house, as we will not have hard copies available. It is a good idea to screen shot your schedule and have it on your phone when you arrive.
Back To School Night:
Back to School night is planned for Wednesday September 7th from 5:00-7:00 p.m. This is an opportunity for students’ families to visit our school, meet teachers and get an overview of what their students will be engaging in throughout the year.
Back To School Supplies:
You can find a generic back to school supply list on our school’s website. Class specific items will be communicated by each respective teacher.
Students Computers:
Student computers will be distributed the first day of school in homerooms. To prevent a systemic logjam to the network, our recommendation is that students take their devices home and log onto their computers to avoid this problem. Teachers will be planning lessons to accommodate this for the first day of school.
To avoid damage to computers during the school day, students may carry a small computer bag or string bag no larger than the computer itself. As a reminder, student’s computers must be charged each night and brought to school each day.
School Hours:
Please note that students are not permitted to enter the school prior to 7:00 as we would not have supervision available. Also, students must leave the building at dismissal unless they need to stay for a school related purpose, e.x. practice, club meetings, teacher assistance or detention. Any students in the building after school must be under the direct supervision of an adult staff member. Lobbies and other areas of the school will be closed at 2:20 p.m. If you are waiting for a ride, be prepared to wait outside.
AHS Communication:
To stay abreast of activities happening throughout the school year, please make sure that you are registered in HAC, that you have access to our school website and also our social media sites. You can find us at:
- Home Access Center (HAC):
- Instagram: aberdeenhighschool
- Facebook: AberdeenHighSchool@AHSEagles
PTSA Involvement:
Last but certainly not least, I would like to encourage everyone to join our PTSA. Our PTSA has been a wonderful support mechanism for both our staff and students over the years and is looking for additional participants! If you are interested in joining, to support our students and staff, please visit us at:
Please know that our top priority is the physical and mental well-being of our entire Aberdeen High School learning community. We thank you in advance for your cooperation and we look forward to another great school year!
Go Eagles!
Michael Quigg
Principal Aberdeen High School