Calling all Students in grades 6-12!
Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Sean Bulson, is recruiting representatives for the Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council (SSAC). The purpose of this Council is to engage with the Superintendent and the Student Representative of the Board of Education in a meaningful dialogue of students’ views and perspectives. All students meeting the minimum criteria in grades six through twelve are eligible to apply. APPLICATIONS MUST BE SUBMITTED NO LATER THANFRIDAY, September 29, 2023. You can access the application here:
Students, please copy, paste, and email this link: to HCPS teachers, staff, and administrators submitting a recommendation on your behalf. You must have at least 2 recommendations submitted on your behalf. If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Equity and Cultural Proficiency at [email protected] or call Ms. Sullivan at 410-809-6065.