Registration & Payment:
PSAT - open to all students in 10th and 11th grade only (practice for SAT assessment):
Date: Saturday October 26th (please note there is not a make up date for this assessment)
Time: 7:30am - no late entry
Registration opens: August 29th at 8:00am
Registration closes: September 12th at 11:59pm
$20 per student
Free for all students who qualify for the Free/Reduced Meals program -
click here to apply (you must reapply each year to see if you qualify - opens August 7th).
AP EXAMS - open to all students taking advanced placement courses
Time: during school ours (afternoon exams go beyond a normal school day)
Registration opens: October 7th at 8:00am
Registration closes: November 7th at 11:59pm
Cost: To be determined
Special Note:
If you have questions, please contact: Mrs. Bane (AP Coordinator) [email protected].